
We believe in eco-sustainable growth, for this reason we have implemented the principles of environmental management in the development of our products and production processes.

In 2015, the company obtained the first environmental certification of the environmental management system (EMS), according to UNI-EN-ISO 14001: 2004, with issue of Certificate N. EMS-5821 / S dated 13/04/2015.

In recent months we have recertified our EMS according to the new UNI-EN-ISO 14001: 2015, with the issue of Certificate N. EMS-5821 / S dated 12/04/2021 by the notified company RINA SERVICE.

Each year an audit is carried out for maintenance by the certifying company and renewed every 3 years. The last one (Certificate N. EMS-5821 / S) is dated 12/04/2021 and will expire in 2024. A constant commitment.


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We are firm believers in the importance of training, above all when it is a question of workplace safety.
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Self-produced energy

Over the years we have been committed to improving energy efficiency at our plants.
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Initiatives IBDF

For years, at Monticelli we have been supporting “I Bambini delle Fate”.